Graduated Symbol Theme SOAP Request

This is an example of a SOAP mapping service request for a map containing a graduated symbol theme where a reference scale of 10,000,000 has been set using SymbolBaseSize. For a demo of the request, go to the Mapping Service Demo Page for your local installation at http://<server>:<port>/Spatial/MappingService/DemoPage.html .Notice the size of the graduated symbols. If you change the ZoomLevel from 3000 to 1500, and re-submit the request, the resulting graduated symbols will appear about twice as large as the original request.

<?xml version="1.0"?>   
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:ns2=""   
xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:xsi="">   
    <v1:RenderMapRequest imageMimeType="image/png" returnImage="false">   
      <v1:MapView xsi:type="v1:ZoomAndCenterMapView">   
        <v1:ZoomLevel uom="Mile">3000</v1:ZoomLevel>   
        <v1:MapCenter srsName="epsg:4269">   
          <v1:Layer xsi:type="v1:GraduatedSymbolLayer" valueAtSize="200000" spatialExpression="Obj" valueExpression="Pop_1990" SymbolBaseSize="5000" graduationMethod="CONSTANT">   
               <ns5:Table xsi:type="ns5:NamedTable" name="/Samples/NamedTables/USA_CAPS"/>   
               <v1:PositiveSymbol xsi:type="ns4:NamedStyle" name="/Samples/NamedStyles/PointStyleStar"/>
               <v1:SymbolBaseSize useScale=”true”>
          <v1:Layer xsi:type="v1:FeatureLayer">   
              <ns5:Table xsi:type="ns5:NamedTable" name="/Samples/NamedTables/USA"/>   