Style Override SOAP Request Example

This is an example of a SOAP mapping service request for a map containing an override theme for a style override. To see the result of this request, copy and paste the XML into the Mapping Service Demo Page at http://server:port/Spatial/MappingService/DemoPage.html and click Submit.

<?xml version="1.0"?>  
<S:Envelope xmlns:S=""  
	xmlns:v1="" xmlns:ns2=""  
	xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6=""  
	<S:Header />  

      <v1:RenderMapRequest imageMimeType="image/png" returnImage="false">  
         <v1:MapView xsi:type="v1:ZoomAndCenterMapView">  
            <v1:ZoomLevel uom="Mile">3700.0</v1:ZoomLevel>  
            <v1:MapCenter srsName="epsg:4269">  
	     <v1:Layer xsi:type="v1:FeatureLayer">  
		<ns2:Table xsi:type="ns2:NamedTable" name="/Samples/NamedTables/USA">  
						<ns5:Theme xsi:type="ns5:OverrideTheme" >  
<ns6:Style xsi:type="ns6:NamedStyle" name="/Samples/NamedStyles/AreaStyleRed"  />