Step 3a: Create the Client Code for the Feature Service
Creating the SearchNearestRequest is a multi-step process as we need to specify:
- the geometry to search from
- the maximum candidates desired
- the name and location of, and distance to, each subway station
- the named table to query
The steps are:
- Create an instance of SearchNearestRequest and populate it with the desired parameters.
- Make the call to the searchNearest method and get the SearchNearestResponse.
- Return the FeatureCollection from SearchNearestResponse.
Here is the code:
* Returns a FeatureCollection of the 5 subway stations nearest the specified point.
* The specified point is assumed to be in WGS 84 (i.e. long/lat).
* @param longitude the longitude (i.e. X ordinate) of the point to search from.
* @param latitude the latitude (i.e. Y ordinate) of the point to search from.
* @return a FeatureCollection of the 5 subway stations nearest the specified point.
private FeatureCollection findNearest(double longitude, double latitude) {
// create the request and populate it along the way
SearchNearestRequest request = new SearchNearestRequest();
// create the search point
Point searchPoint = new Point();
Pos pos = new Pos();
// set the search geometry which in this case is a point
// we want at most 5 candidates
// return the distance from the search point to each found point as an attribute called 'distance'
// specify the attributes to return. in this case we want the name of the subway station and the geometry
AttributeList projectionList = new AttributeList();
// specify the Named Table to search against
NamedTable table = new NamedTable();
// create the client-side instance/interface to the FeatureService and specify the security settings to access the service
FeatureService featureServiceBootstrap = new FeatureService();
FeatureServiceInterface servicePort = featureServiceBootstrap.getPort(FeatureServiceInterface.class);
((BindingProvider)servicePort).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, ADMIN_USERNAME);
((BindingProvider)servicePort).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, ADMIN_PASSWORD);
// query the Feature Service and return the resulting FeatureCollection
try {
SearchNearestResponse response = servicePort.searchNearest(request);
return response.getFeatureCollection();
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);