

A MapBasicSymbol element of type MapBasicFontSymbol specifies the character code of a symbol taken from a TrueType symbol font, as well as various other attributes of the symbol.


Table 1 lists the elements that can be contained by a MapBasicSymbol element of type MapBasicFontSymbol.

Table 1. Elements
Element Description


An integer value of 32 or larger specifying the character to use from a TrueType symbol font.

Note: To specify an invisible symbol, use 32 (the space character).

The MapBasic font symbol sets, and corresponding code for each symbol, is shown in MapBasic Font Symbol Codes.


A string value specifying the color of the symbol.

The value can be any valid CSS color. (See


An integer value from 1 to 255 specifying the point size of the symbol.


A string value specifying the name of the TrueType symbol font to use (for example, "WingDings"). You can also specify a MapBasic font symbol set such as "MapInfo Symbols" or "MapInfo Arrows".

The MapBasic font symbol sets, and corresponding code for each symbol, is shown in MapBasic Font Symbol Codes.


A boolean value (true or false) specifying whether the symbol should be bold (true) or plain (false).

The default value is false.


An enumeration value specifying the type of border to draw around the symbol. The possible values are:

  • normal
  • halo

The value normal draws a regular black border around the symbol. The value halo draws a white halo border around the symbol.


A boolean value (true or false) specifying whether to have a drop-shadow drawn behind the symbol. A value of false (the default) specifies no drop-shadow.


A floating-point value from 0 to 360 specifying the rotation angle of the symbol in degrees.


<ns6:MapBasicSymbol xsi:type="ns6:MapBasicFontSymbol">