A ColorBreak element defines a range that indicates a cell having value in a range between two consecutive break values. It is rendered with the defined color of the cell.
Table 1 lists the elements that can contain, or be contained by, a ColorBreak element.
Contained by | Element | Contains |
ColorBreak |
(empty) |
Table 2 lists the attributes of a ColorBreak element.
Attribute | Description |
value |
A Float value specifying the value of the color break. Note: This attribute is required.
color |
A String value specifying the color of the color break. The value can be any valid CSS color. (See Note: This
attribute is required. |
This example specifies a grid image style that contains a RenderStyle of type LUTColor, a Custom DataTransform having a collection of six color breaks, and a collection of three grid inflection points.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NamedStyle xmlns="" version="MXP_WorkSpace_1_5">
<GridStyle id="migridstyle" name="migridstyle" contrast="0.5" brightness="0.5" opacity="1" grayscale="false" show-hillshade="false" null-color="black" null-transparent="true">
<RenderStyle type="LUTColor" underviewInterpolation="None">
<Component type="color" field="0" band="1" dataTransform="MapInfoDataTransform">
<SunShadow enable="True" />
<Highlight enable="True" />
<DataTransform type="Custom" name="MapInfoDataTransform">
<ColorBreak value="-182.586959838867" color="#0000ff" />
<ColorBreak value="57420.302986145" color="#1919ff" />
<ColorBreak value="115023.192932129" color="#5e5eff" />
<ColorBreak value="172626.082878113" color="#eeeeff" />
<ColorBreak value="230228.972824097" color="#7f7f7f" />
<ColorBreak value="287831.862770081" color="#a5a5a5" />
<GridInflection value="0.4" color="yellow" />
<GridInflection value="0.5" color="green" />
<GridInflection value="0.6" color="blue" />
Generating color breaks from Pro/GHX
Range | Color |
(-412, 558.545429299221) |
(558.545429299221, 1529.09085859844) | #FFFEFC00 |
(1529.09085859844, 8255) | #FFFE0000 |
(value="558.545429299221" color="#FF00FEFE") | for 1st range |
(value="1529.09085859844" color="#FFFEFC00") | 2nd range |
(value="8255" color="#FFFE0000") | 3rd range |
- name of color like green, red, and so on
- three-digit representation #RGB in the range #000 to #FFF
- six-digit representation #RRGGBB in the range #000000 to #FFFFFF
- eight-digit representation #AARRGGBB in the range #00000000 to #FFFFFFFF
- rgb(int, int, int) where "int" is any integer value and corresponds to the red, green, and blue color values respectively
- rgb(float%, float%, float%) where "float" is any float value and corresponds to the percentage of red, green, and blue colors values respectively