Uploading a Map to Spectrum Spatial
To upload a map to Spectrum Spatial:
- Select Spectrum Spatial Map Uploader > Uploader tab.
- Enter the map name in Map Name text box.
- Select Upload Map to create a named map when uploading. If this is not selected, only named tables will be uploaded, and no map will be created.
- Enter a path in the Repository Path text box to upload resources to a specific folder in Spectrum. Click Browse and select the folder location in the repository. Right click on any folder in the repository browser and you can add a new folder. Click OK when done selecting the folder. For more information on how folder names should be specified, refer to Appendix C.
- Select the corresponding JDBC Named Connection for each of the tables. For file based named connections you must first configure the Map Uploader Settings Tab.
- Click Upload.
- For all named connections (file and database) you must create these using Spectrum Spatialâ„¢ Manager prior to using the Map Uploader. For more information on Spectrum Spatialâ„¢ Manager, see the Spectrum Spatial Guide.
- When uploading tables that point to Oracle, SQL Server, or PostGIS database tables, you must pick a corresponding named connection for the type. If there are no named connections than these will be marked as unsupported.
- When uploading file based tables Native, Shape, Raster, or Grid, you must pick a corresponding file based named connection for the type. If there are no named connections than these will be marked as unsupported.
- Any unsupported tables are marked with a red cross. You can still upload the remaining tables (ticked green) but the unsupported ones will not be uploaded and will not be included in the map in Spectrum Spatial.
- When named tables are created during the upload process, they will include references to the named connections. Named tables are not created using in-line connection definitions.
- Some geometries are unsupported, these are: Collection, Multi-Point and Ellipse.
- Some unsupported tables are listed in Appendix A.
- Details of the named resources created are in Appendix B.