WFS Settings
Select Spectrum Spatial™ Manager to view and edit the global settings for your Web Feature Service and its capabilities. These settings describe your service. This service metadata is returned as part of the response to a GetCapabilities call. See Web Feature Service (WFS) in the Services section of the Spectrum Spatial Guide for more information.
inNote: The WFS configuration file WFSConfiguration is pre-configured and
located in the Configuration directory under the root repository. For
example, a default installation will place the WFS configuration file at
Although you can use a WebDAV tool such as WebFolders to copy the WFS configuration file from the
repository then upload the modified file, manual editing of this file should only be done by
advanced users who require functionality that is not supported by the current version of Spectrum Spatial™ Manager. Unexpected results may occur when using a manually edited configuration
file with Spectrum Spatial™ Manager.
Service Settings
The service parameters define the base WFS configuration.- Online resource / Service URL
- The HTTP URL (user-accessible endpoint) for your WFS service, formatted as
http://server:port/rest/Spatial/WFS. In most cases, it
will be as defaulted by the installer, the hostname of your machine and the URL path
(rest/Spatial/WFS) and there is no need to change this. You need to change this URL only
- Using a proxy around your Spectrum Spatial server. The URL should be changed to point to your proxy.
- A Spectrum Spatial load-balanced environment where the URL should point to your load balancer.
- Title
- The human-readable name of the WFS service.
- Abstract
- A description of the WFS service, such as what type of features or content your WFS service provides. For example, it can include the version of Spectrum Spatial to use. This information can be used by GetCapabilities.
- Keywords
- Words or phrases that describe your repository content. This information can be used by GetCapabilities.
- Fees
- Any fees associated with access and use of the service.
- Access constraints
- Any constraints regarding access and use of the service.
- Provider name / Organization
- Information about a contact person for your service, including email address, mailing address, and phone number.
- Contact info
- Information about a contact person for your service, including email address, mailing address, and phone number.
GetFeature Settings
GetFeature returns features from a feature type. Limits and filters can be applied in a request to control the features being returned.
- Maximum features
- The limit, if any, to the number of features that can be returned by the WFS service; the default is 1000 and the minimum is 1. Any GetFeature request that exceeds this number will fail.