GeoPackage Table


Below are examples of named table definitions for a GeoPackage database table.

In this example, the definition defines a connection to a GeoPackage database table using the following tokens:

  • @table@ the name of the table in the database
  • named_connection_path the name of the named file connection with path in the repository
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mxp:NamedDataSourceDefinition xmlns:mxp="" xmlns:gml="" version="MXP_WorkSpace_1_5">
		<NamedConnectionRef resourceID="@named_connection_path@">
		<GeoPackageDataSourceDefinition id="id300" readOnly="false">
	<DataSourceRef ref="id300"/>

The location of the GeoPackage file is the concatenation of the FilePath identified in the ConnectionMember (if present) and the FileName.

Note: The ConnectionMember is optional thus allowing the FileName to contain the complete specification of the file location.
This example shows a named table definition that uses the DBDataSourceMetadata to specify a Cartesian SRS, which is required when the GeoPackage table has an SRID of -1.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NamedDataSourceDefinition xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" version="MXP_NamedResource_1_5">
	<NamedConnectionRef resourceID="/Samples/NamedConnections/SampleData">
	<GeoPackageDataSourceDefinition id="id1" readOnly="false">
				<FeatureGeometryAttribute srsName="epsg:3857">geom</FeatureGeometryAttribute>