element DeleteByPrimaryKeyRequest
diagram feature_p1.png
namespace http://www.mapinfo.com/midev/service/feature/v1
type tns:DeleteByPrimaryKeyRequest
content complex
children tns:FeatureKeyList
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
id  xsd:string  optional      
A unique identifier that is returned in the response. It is used for debugging or keeping track of asynchronous requests.
locale  xsd:string  optional      
The language and country code of the request, which is defined using [language_code]_[country_code] syntax. The language code is a 2-letter ISO-639 code. The country code is a 2-letter ISO-3166 code. For example: en_US stands for the English language within the United States of America.
table  xsd:string  required      
The NamedTable from which features to be deleted.
commitInterval  xsd:int  optional  50    
The number of delete(s) that will processed when committing to the table. Default value is 50 which means that the first 50 deleted will be committed within one transaction. If the value is less than 1, the default value of 50 is used. It is not recommended to set this value to 1 as one transaction will be used for 1 delete.
A request to delete features identified by primary keys.

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