Parameters for Named Tiles
Named tiles are stored in the repository, and define how an individual hosted named map is used by the Map Tiling Service. For each map you want to expose through the Map Tiling Service you must have an equivalent named tile. In the named tile file, the NamedTile element contains the parameters that define the named tile, each of which contains some or all of these child elements:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
DisplayName | string | yes | The alias of the named map stored in the map repository. This alias can be different than the actual name of the named map, and will be used in the tiling service requests to call the named tile. |
Description | string | yes | The metadata description of the named map. This information is presented to the user when a getDescription call is sent to the Map Tiling Service. |
ResourceLocation | string | yes | The directory and name of the actual named map in the repository, from the repository base. For example, if the named map is located at http://<server>:<port>/RepositoryService/repository/​default/Samples/NamedMaps/World, then you would define the ResourceLocation as /NamedMaps/World. Note: You must specify the starting '/'. |
Projection | string | yes | The coordinate system projection to host the named map. The Map Tiling Service will transform the named map into the projection defined. The projection is defined using the EPSG format. For best results, use epsg:3857 (Popular Visualization CRS or "Popular Mercator"). |
MinimumLevel | integer | yes | The minimum zoom level to host the map. Must be greater than zero. See What Is Tile Level? for information to help define the level. |
MaximumLevel | integer | yes | The maximum zoom level to host the map. Must be greater than zero. See What Is Tile Level? for information to help define the level. |
TileWidth | integer | yes | Width of a tile in pixels. Must be greater than or equal to 16 and must be a number that can be calculated from a 2n equation (for example 24=16, 25=32, 28=256). |
Bounds | string | yes | The bounds of the map. Coordinates are comma separated and in the coordinate system specified by the projection option. The bounds must represent a square for proper tile divisioning. |
MimeList | string | no | The available types of tiles generated by the tile server for this map only. |
ExpirationDate | date | no | The date on which the client should delete the map tile from the cache, and request a new copy from the server. The ExpirationDate value must be specified as a W3C formatted date string in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
MaxAge | integer | no | To set the value globally if you are using an external cache such as a browser or Squid, add a <MaxAge> element to the MapTilingConfiguration in the repository and comment out the <ExpirationDate>. To set it for individual named tile definitions, in Management Console's Named Tiles section provide the maximum age in the Tile Expiration field. This field accepts values for both expiration date in yyyy-MM-dd format and maximum age in seconds. If the tile definition has either the ExpirationDate or MaxAge elements (but not both), it will override whatever is set in the global configuration. For example, if the tile definition has MaxAge and the global configuration has ExpirationDate, then tiles returned will have the max-age HTTP header set. If the tile definition has neither element set, the setting in the global configuration (ExpirationDate, by default) will be used. |
RenderLabels | boolean | no | Tells the service not to render LabelLayers when generating a tile. The value is case-insensitive. If a RenderLabels preference is not specified, the global preference in the configuration will be used. If neither is specified, the default is 'true'. |
PadFactor | double | no | Used to prevent the clipping of labels when a label crosses a tile boundary. The PadFactor controls the number of tiles rendered around the requested tile with 0 meaning no padding, 1 meaning padding of 1 tile around the requested tile and so on. If a PadFactor preference is not specified, the global preference in the configuration will be used. If neither is specified, the default is 1.0. |
BackgroundOpacity | double | no | The level of background opacity (transparency) for the tile images. The background opacity is defined on a scale from 0.0 (zero) to 1.0. Where 0.0 is completely transparent and 1.0 is completely opaque. For example a value of 0.75, would be 75 percent transparent. |
Note: As of version 11, the map resolution and map rendering properties have been set at 96 dpi
and Quality, respectively, which yields the best looking map tiles. These properties are
no longer configurable.
The following is an example of a named tile definition:
<Description>Map Of The World</Description>