

Returns the geographic perimeter of a geometry object.


MI_Perimeter ( geometry, unit, calculationType )


geometry is an expression which returns a geometry,

unit is a linear unit specification, and

calculationType is a string that indicates whether to perform a Spherical or Cartesian calculation. There is no default.


Selects the countries and returns the perimeter for counties that start with 'Ar'.

select Country from countries where MI_Perimeter(Obj,'km','Spherical') AND Country like 'Ar%'


The value returned is a double and represents a value in the units specified by the units argument. MI_Perimeter is applicable only to geometries of type Envelope, Polygon, Multipolygon, and Ring. Any other type of input geometry results in a value of zero.

Valid values for unit are the following distance units:

Value Description
mi miles
km kilometers
in inches
ft feet
yd yards
mm millimeters
cm centimeters
m meters
survey ft US Survey feet
nmi nautical miles
twip twips
pt points
pica picas
degree degrees
li links
ch chains
rd rods