Index of Functions
The following functions are supported.
Function | Description |
Abs | Calculates the absolute value |
Acos | Calculates the arccosine |
Ascii | Returns the character code for the first character in a string |
Asin | Calculates the arcsine |
Atan | Calculates the arctangent |
Avg | Computes the average value of an aggregation of values |
Ceil | Ceiling - Always returns the smallest integer value not less than the argument |
Char | Returns a string of length 1 corresponding to a specified character code |
Char_Length | Returns the number of characters in the string argument |
Cos | Calculates the cosine |
Count | Counts the number of values in an aggregation of values |
Current_Date | Returns the current date |
Current_DateTime | Returns the current date time |
Current_Time | Returns the current time |
DateTimeToString | Converts a DateTime into a string |
DateToNumber | Converts a Date into a number |
DateToString | Converts a Date into a string |
Day | Returns the day of the month as an integer |
Exp | Returns the value of the base of natural logarithms raised to the power of the argument |
Floor | Always returns the highest integer value that is not greater than the argument |
FromGeoJSON | Converts a string formatted in GeoJSON to a Spatial Feature geometry |
FromKML | Converts a string formatted in KML to a feature geometry |
FromWKB | Converts a WKB BLOB value to a feature geometry |
FromWKT | Converts a string formatted in WKT to a feature geometry |
GetDate | Returns the Date component of a DateTime |
GetTime | Returns the Time component of a DateTime |
Hour | Accepts a Time and returns the hour portion as an integer (0-23) |
InStr | Searches one character string for another character string |
Left | Returns a specified number of leftmost characters from a string |
Log | Calculates the natural logarithm |
Lower | Converts a string to lower case |
Ltrim | Removes leading space characters from a string and returns the resulting string |
Majority | Works on an attribute and returns the value that is greater than 50% of the rows in that attribute. |
MakeDateTime | Create a new DateTime value from a given date and time |
Max | Computes the maximum value of an aggregation of values |
Median | Returns the median of all the values in the specified attribute |
MI_AggregateBuffer | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a buffered distance around the aggregated geometry objects |
MI_AggregateCentroid | Returns the centroid of the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an aggregated set of geometry objects |
MI_AggregateConvexHull | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a convex hull around the set of points contained within an aggregated set of geometry objects |
MI_AggregateEnvelope | Returns an Envelope geometry object representing the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an aggregated set of geometry object |
MI_AggregateIndividual | Returns any individual value from the aggregation of values |
MI_AggregateIntersection | Returns a geometry object which represents the intersection of an aggregated set of geometry object |
MI_AggregateUnion | Returns a geometry object which represents the union of an aggregated set of geometry objects |
MI_Area | Returns the geographical area of a geometry object |
MI_Box | Creates a new Feature Geometry object which represents a rectangular box |
MI_Buffer | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a buffered distance around another geometry object |
MI_Centroid | Returns the centroid of a geometry object as a Point geometry object |
MI_CentroidDistance | Returns the geographic distance between the centroids of two geometry objects |
MI_CentroidWithin | Determines if the centroid of a geometry object lies within another geometry object |
MI_CentroidX | Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid of a geometry object |
MI_CentroidY | Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid of a geometry object |
MI_Contains | Determines if one geometry object entirely contains another geometry object |
MI_ContainsCentroid | Determines if the centroid of a geometry object lies within another geometry object |
MI_ConvexHull | Returns a MultiPolygon geometry object which represents a convex hull around the set of points contained in the input geometry |
MI_Difference | Calculates the difference between two geometries |
MI_Distance | Returns the geographic distance between two geometry objects |
MI_DistanceToEdge | Returns the distance between two geometries using the computation type and distance units |
MI_Envelope | Returns an Envelope geometry object representing the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the input geometry |
MI_EnvelopesIntersect | Determines if the minimum bounding rectangles (MBR) of two geometry objects intersect |
MI_GeoHash | Returns a geohash index for given geometry at a given precision |
MI_GeometryType | Returns a string indicating the type of a geometry object |
MI_GridValueAt | Returns the value of a Grid at the specified point location |
MI_GridValueAtPixel | Returns the value of a Grid at the specified pixel location (x, y) |
MI_ImageFile | Returns the filename from an ImageInfo (Raster or Grid) as a string |
MI_ImagePixelHeight | Returns the height of a raster or grid image in pixels as an integer |
MI_ImagePixelWidth | Returns the width of a raster or grid image in pixels as an integer |
MI_Intersection | Returns a geometry object which represents the intersection between two input geometry objects |
MI_Intersects | Determines if one geometry object intersects another geometry object |
MI_Length | Returns the geographic length of a line or polyline geometry object |
MI_Line | Creates a new Feature Geometry object which represents a line |
MI_MaxX | Returns the maximum x value of the MBR of a geometry |
MI_MaxY | Returns the maximum y value of the MBR of a geometry |
MI_MinX | Returns the minimum x value of the MBR of a geometry |
MI_MinY | Returns the minimum y value of the MBR of a geometry |
Min | Computes the minimum value of an aggregation of values |
Minute | Accepts a Time and returns the minute portion an integer (0-59) |
MI_Perimeter | Returns the geographic perimeter of a geometry object |
MI_Point | Creates a new Feature Geometry object representing a point |
MI_Polygon | Creates a new Feature Geometry object which represents a polygon |
MI_Transform | Transforms a geometry from one coordinate system to another |
MI_Union | Returns a geometry object which represents the union of two input geometry objects |
MI_Within | Determines if one geometry object is entirely within another geometry object |
MI_X | Returns the x coordinate of a Point geometry |
MI_Y | Returns the y coordinate of a Point geometry |
MI_NumGeometries | Returns the number of geometries in a MultiGeometry |
MI_NumPoints | Returns the number of points (vertices) in a geometry |
MI_GeometryN | Returns the nth geometry in a MultiGeometry |
MI_PointN | Returns a point that is the nth vertex in the geometry |
Mod | Divides one numeric expression by another numeric expression and returns the remainder |
Mode | Computes the mode value of an aggregation of values |
Month | Returns the month portion of a date as an integer |
NumberToDate | Creates a Date from a number |
NumberToString | Converts a number into a string |
NumberToTime | Creates a Time from a number |
ProportionAvg | Computes the average of an aggregation of values which are adjusted based on the proportion of two geometry objects |
ProportionSum | Computes the sum of an aggregation of values which are adjusted based on the proportion of two geometry objects |
ProportionWtAvg | Computes the weighted average of an aggregation of values which are adjusted based on the proportion of two geometry objects |
Right | Returns a specified number of rightmost characters from a string |
Round | Rounds a value to the nearest multiple of another value |
Rtrim | Removes trailing space characters from a string and returns the resulting string |
Same | Returns the value that is the same in all the records in the specified attribute |
Second | Accepts a Time and returns the second portion a double (0-59.999) |
Sign | Returns the sign of the argument |
Sin | Calculates the sine |
Space | Returns a string consisting of a specified number of space characters |
Sqrt | Calculates the square root |
StdDev | Calculates the standard deviation of an aggregation of values |
StringByteLength | Returns the number of bytes in a string for a given charset |
StringToDate | Creates a Date from a character string |
StringToDateTime | Creates a DateTime value from a character string |
StringToNumber | Converts a string into a number |
StringToTime | Converts a string into a time |
Substring | Extracts a portion of a string to form a new string |
Sum | Computes the sum of an aggregation of values |
Tan | Calculates the tangent |
TimeToNumber | Converts a time into a number |
TimeToString | Converts a time into a string |
ToGeoJSON | Converts a Spatial Geometry to its GeoJSON equivalent |
ToKML | Converts a geometry to its KML equivalent |
ToWKB | Converts a feature geometry to its WKB equivalent |
ToWKT | Converts a feature geometry to its WKT equivalent |
Trim | Removes leading and trailing space characters from a string and returns the resulting string |
Trunc | Truncates the argument to the number of decimal places |
Upper | Converts a string to upper case |
Weekday | Returns an integer from 1 to 7, indicating the weekday of the specified date |
WtAvg | Computes the weighted average value of an aggregation of values and weights |
Year | Returns the year portion of a date as an integer |