サンプル Hive スクリプト

-- Register Universal Address Module [UAM] BDQ Hive Loqate UDAF Jar 
ADD JAR <Directory path>/uam.loqate.hive.${project.version}.jar;

-- Provide alias to UDAF class (optional). 
String in quotes represent class names needed for this job to run.
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION loqatevalidation as 'com.pb.bdq.uam.process.hive.loqate.LoqateAddressingUDF';

-- Adding required files to distributed cache. 
ADD FILES <Directory Path>/loqate-core.car;
ADD FILES <Directory Path>/LoqateVerificationLevel.csv;
ADD FILES <Directory Path>/Loqate.csv;
ADD FILES <Directory Path>/countryTables.csv;
ADD FILES <Directory Path>/countryNameTables.csv;

set hive.map.aggr = false;

-- set process configuration
set set hivevar:processconf='{"processType":"VALIDATE","includeMatchedAddressElements":

-- set general configuration
set hivevar:generalconf='{"maxIdle":null,"minIdle":16,"maxActive":16,"maxWait":null,

-- set engine configuration
set hivevar:engineconf='{"verbose":true,"toolInfo":true,"outputAddressFormat":false,

-- set reference directory path
set hivevar:location='/home/hduser/ReferenceData/AddressQuality/Loqate';

-- set process type
set hivevar:processtype='VALIDATE';

-- set input header
set hivevar:header='InputKeyValue,AddressLine1,City,StateProvince,PostalCode,Country';

select SELECT tmp2.record["HouseNumber"],tmp2.record["Confidence"],tmp2.record["AddressLine1"],
 FROM ( SELECT  loqatevalidation(${hivevar:engineconf},${hivevar:generalconf},${hivevar:processtype},
postalcode,country) as mygp from address) as <TABLE_NAME> LATERAL VIEW explode(addressgroup.mygp) tmp2 as record ;

-- Query to dump output data to a file
INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/home/hadoop/loqate/' row format delimited 
( SELECT tmp2.record["HouseNumber"],tmp2.record["Confidence"],tmp2.record["AddressLine1"]
 FROM ( SELECT  loqatevalidation(${hivevar:engineconf},${hivevar:generalconf},${hivevar:processtype},
stateprovince,postalcode,country) as mygp from address) as <TABLE_NAME>
 LATERAL VIEW explode(addressgroup.mygp) tmp2 as record ; 

--Sample Input
| inputkeyvalue  |            addressline1            | stateprovince  | postalcode  |    country    |
| 1              | 80 Quan Su                         |                |             | Vietnam       |
| 2              | Final Av. Panteón Foro Libertador  |                | 1010        | Venezuela     |
| 3              | P O Box 834                        |                |             | St Vincent    |
| 4              | Colonia 2066                       |                |             | Uruguay       |
| 5              | Ave de la Resistance BP127         |                |             | Burkina Faso  |
| 6              | Buyuk Turon Street, 41             |                |             | Uzbekistan    |
| 7              | Empire State Building              | NY             | 10118       | US            |
| 8              | 3 Leontovycha St                   |                |             | Ukraine       |
| 9              |                                    | Ceredigion     |             | Wales         |
| 10             | 5 Main Street                      | Ballindalloch  |             | Scotland      |

-- Sample Output
|Match Score|StreetName     |HouseNumber |            addressline1            |
| 100.00  	| MERIVALE      | 80 		 | 80 Quan Su                         |
| 100.00   	| SERPENTINE    | 	     	 | Final Av. Panteón Foro Libertador  |
| 0.00   	| VICTORIA      | 0     	 | P O Box 834                        |
| 75.00  	| O'CONNELL     | 2066  	 | Colonia 2066                       |
| 83.33    	| BRYGON CREEK  | 470    	 | Ave de la Resistance BP127         |
| 100.00   	| GREENE        |       	 | Buyuk Turon Street, 41             |
| 96.8254  	| BLAIRMOUNT    | 41     	 | Empire State Building              |
| 83.950  	| FRANCESCO     | 350   	 | 3 Leontovycha St                   |
| 50.00  	| RYANS         | 3      	 |                                    |
| 100    	| CHRISTMAS     | 5      	 | 5 Main Street                      |
