Predictive Lastline

Predictive lastline allows you to match an address when only an input street address and latitude/ longitude coordinates are provided, rather than the traditional street address with lastline input. For example, an input of 4750 Walnut with latitude/longitude coordinates located in Boulder, will return full address information.

Additional feature information

  • Predictive Lastline uses a search radius of 150 feet.
  • Predictive Lastline is disabled by default.
  • When Predictive Lastline is not enabled, if a singleline address is provided, any input latitude and longitude values are ignored and the input address is geocoded.
  • If the input latitude/longitude coordinates fall near the borders of multiple cities, Enterprise Geocoding processes all cities and returns the results of the best match. If the results are determined as equal, then a multi-match is returned.
  • Predictive lastline does not require a license for reverse geocoding.
  • This feature will work with any type of dataset.
optionName Description


Specifies whether GeocodeUSAddress should match using the street address and input latitiude/longitude coordinates, rather than the traditional street address with lastline input.

Enable Predictive Lastline processing.
Disable Predictive Lastline processing. Default.

Enabling Predictive Lastline

The following procedure describes how to enable and set up the Predictive Lastline feature.

  1. Set PredictiveLastLine = Y
  2. Set Latitude = integer value
  3. Set Longitude = integer value
  4. Set AddressLine1 = input street address