globalgeocodedb export

The globalgeocodedb export command exports all of the Spectrum Global Geocoding database resource information to a database properties file, GlobalGeocodeDbResource.txt, either at a specified location, or if the location for the output file is not provided, GlobalGeocodeDbResource.txt is written to the current folder. The database properties file can subsequently be used with the globalgeocodedb import command to configure the databases on another system.


globalgeocodedb export --o outputpath
No--o outputpathThe information on Spectrum Global Geocoding database resources will be exported to GlobalGeocodeDbResource.txt in the specified output directory. If the path is not provided, GlobalGeocodeDbResource.txt will be written to the current folder.


This example exports the Spectrum Global Geocoding database resource information to the designated directory.

globalgeocodedb export --o C:\DBs\

The GlobalGeocodeDbResource.txt output file contains database resource information similar to the following:
