Create an approval flow for an entity
- The levels of approval needed
- Roles for the various approval levels
- Days in which each approver in a specified level should revert with changes or approval
On Spectrum Management Console main menu, click Resources > Approval Flows.
The Approval Flows page is displayed that shows categories of approval flows you can define.
Click to toggle the Enabled switch for Discovery.Business Glossary Entity to ON.
This enables the flow you are going to define. This flow will be applicable to all glossaries.The Approval Flow window prompts whether to define approval levels.
Click Yes to define approval levels.
This displays the Edit Approval Flow page. It shows that the Entity type is Metadata Insights.Business Glossary Entity.
To add an approval level, click the Add Approval Level button
This adds a row to the table. -
Enter these approval flow details:
Field Description Level Defines the approval level. 1 denotes the first level of approval; 2, Second level of approval; and 3, Third level of approval.
Roles Select the role that will act as the approver for this level. For example, if the level is 1, the selected role will act as the first level approver for all the glossary entities. Note: The roles displayed here are the ones the administrator has defined for glossary entities using the Spectrum Management Console System > Security > Roles option.User From the drop down list, select the default user for this approval level. Note: It is particularly useful in BSM, where records are allocated to a specific user rather than all mapped users of a role.Days to Approve Select the days within which an approver has to approve or suggest edits to the entity. - To add additional levels of approval, repeat steps 4 through 5.
Click Save.
The approval flow is saved and the number of levels shows on the Approval Flows page. In the future, you can click its entry in the Type column to edit the approval flow.