- Create/Update:
- Insert/Upsert fails if Not Null columns are blank or do not exist
- Insert/Upsert fails if values of Unique columns are not unique for a particular
- In order to avoid a rollback exception, keep the value of Batch count to commit
to 1
- Read: For custom entities, Select operation is only
applicable on joins with Contacts entity
- Filter:
- Supported filters are =, !=, >, <, >=, <=
- There is no support for IN and NOT IN condition operators when providing more than
one values
- There is no support for Joins between entities
- There is support for AND and OR operation conditional operators only for
Accounts and Contacts entities
- There is support for only AND conditional operator. It does not work for rest of
the entities on the column
- = filter does not always work on fields having timestamp data type