Association Rule

A PMML association rule model represents rules where some set of items is associated to another set of items. For example a rule can express that a certain product or set of products is often bought in combination with a certain set of other products, also known as Market Basket Analysis. An Association Rule model typically has two variables: one for grouping records together into transactions and another that uniquely identifies each record.

Model Element

<AssociationModel functionName="associationRules" ...

Unsupported Features

Non-string field types for the field(s) identifying the item are not supported.

Having more than one field for grouping records is not supported.

Association Rule models with the <MiningSchema> element containing a reference to a <DerivedField> element are not supported.

Model Outputs

Supported Model Output Features Description


A value generated via a transformation expression applied to the predicted model output.


A value generated via an expression applied to the predicted model output resulting in a categorized value.


The id of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value. If the selected rule does not provide an id, a 1-based index is returned.


This is identical to the entityId option and has been deprecated as of PMML 4.2. Although its use is currently supported it is recommended to use entityId.


The affinity of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value.


The antecedent of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value. This output will be formatted as a comma separated string of values.


The consequent of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value. This output will be formatted as a comma separated string of values.


The winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value. This output will return a description of the rule, formatted in the following way: {antecedent}->{consequent}.


The confidence of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value.


The support of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value.


The lift of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value.


The leverage of the winning rule (default), or the rule specified by the rank value.