Fields Tab

The Fields tab contains a table listing all the fields that the Write to Miner Dataset stage will write to the Miner Dataset. The following table describes the options on the field that can be used to modify the table contents.
Option Name Description
Add Clicking the Add button launches the Add dialog for adding a new field to the fields list. The Add dialog requires the new field's name, Miner type and length (if Miner type is 'string') to be specified.
Remove Deletes the currently selected fields from the fields list.
Regenerate Clicking the Regenerate button launches a dialog prompting for confirmation of the field regeneration. If the action is confirmed all existing fields are replaced with the fields found in the selected focus file.
Note: The Regenerate button will be disabled when there is no focus file selected.
Note: Regenerating from an invalid focus will not clear or change the existing fields list.
Quick Add Clicking the Quick Add button launches the Quick Add dialog, the dialog lists all fields from the input channel and the current fields list. Select/deselect the check boxes beside each field to add/remove the field from the fields list.
Note: The Quick Add button will be disabled when a field's Miner field name is invalid.
The field properties can also be updated by modifying cells in the following table columns directly.
Column Name Description
Miner Field Name The name of the field as it will appear in the new Miner dataset. Edit the text within the cell to specify the desired field name. Field names must:
  • Be unique.
  • Be non-empty.
  • Start with a letter.
  • Contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters.
  • Not be longer than 128 characters.
If a field name is changed to an invalid name then a validation error symbol will be displayed beside the fields table. Correct the validation error before clicking the OK button.
Miner Field Type The Miner data type the field will use in the new Miner dataset (see Output). Change the field's data type by selecting from the drop down list.
String Length If the chosen Miner field type in the table row is 'string' then the user will be able to specify an integer value between 1 and 4000 to set the length for the string field in the Miner focus. Any strings values for the field that are longer than the specified string length will be truncated to this length in the resulting focus.