Flow Output
Output stages are also known as Sinks and Write-to stages.
To define the output from a flow, use a "sink" stage. A sink is the last stage in a
flow. It defines what to do with the output from the flow. A sink can also
perform other actions at the end or a flow, such as executing a
Note: This version of Spectrum Flow Designer allows you to use input files and to
write to output files that are on the Spectrum Server location, only. At this time,
Spectrum Flow Designer does not support local input and output files.
Output from a Job
Output from a job can be written to a file or a database. Spectrum Technology Platform has the ability to write data to many file formats and database types. The types of the ability to write data to many file formats and database types. The types of sinks you can write to depend on which modules you have licensed. See the solution guide for your modules available at docs.precisely.com.
Output from a Service
Output data from a service is defined in an Output stage. This stage defines the fields that the service will return in response to a web service request or an API call.
Other output stages
Additional output Sink stages include:
- Terminate Job – Add to a flow to stop a job at a specified point or for a specific reason.
- Write to Null – Counts records, then discards the records that you choose to not keep according to flow processing criteria you specify. Use this stage if there are records that you do not want to preserve after the dataflow finishes.
- Write to XML – Sends output to an XML-format output file that can be consumed by other processes or flows.
These additional Sink stages are not configurable.