Using the Calculator

The Calculator control contains buttons for entering numeric constants and operators into an expression. Double-clicking fields, constants, operators, and functions will insert them into an expression.

Table 1. Calculator Operators


Used to go back one space in an expression

Pi, a mathematical constant which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
Euler's Number, a mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm


Power of (for example, x^2 is x to the power of 2)

Modulo, the remainder of an operation

Semicolon, used at the end of expressions

Assignment operator
Parentheses, to represent hierarchy in an expression
Decimal point
Conditional statement to take action if a condition is true, otherwise, take a different action
Multiple conditional statement to take action if a condition is true, otherwise, take a different action
Equal to, in a math function
Not equal to
Logical and
Logical or
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to