Configuring Dataflow Options - Query NoSQL DB
This procedure describes how to configure a dataflow to support runtime options for Query NoSQL DB.
- Open the flow in Spectrum Enterprise Designer.
- If you want to configure runtime options for a stage in an embedded flow, open the embedded flow.
- Click the Dataflow Options icon on the toolbar or click Edit > Dataflow Options. The Dataflow Options dialog box appears.
- Click Add. The Define Dataflow Options dialog box appears.
- Expand the Query NoSQL DB stage.
The below dataflow options are exposed to query a Mongo DB database:
- Connection
- Table
- Enter a description of the option in the Description field.
- In the Target field, select the option Selected stage(s).
- If you want to limit the values that can be specified at runtime, edit the options in the Legal values field by clicking on the icon just to the right of the field.
If you want to change the default value, specify a different value in the
Default value field.
Note: For a service, you can only modify default values before exposing the service for the first time. Once you expose the service you can no longer modify default values using Spectrum Enterprise Designer. Instead, you must use Spectrum Management Console. For more information, see Specifying Default Service Options.
- Click OK.
- Continue adding options as desired.
- Click OK in the Dataflow Options dialog box when you are done adding options.
- Save and expose the dataflow.