Integration between Salesforce and Oracle Eloqua

This section illustrates the migration of Account and Contacts from Salesforce to Oracle Eloqua systems. If there is an existing association of Contacts and Account in the Salesforce, the migration takes care to maintain the same in Oracle Eloqua system as well.

The sample template contains these files:
Table 1. Files in Sample Template folder
File Type File Name
Data Flow
  • SalesforceAccount_Sync_OracleEloquaAccount.df
  • SalesforceContact_Sync_OracleEloquaContact.df
DB Connection
  • Eloqua_MS.json

  • Salesforce_MS.json
  • mi_modelStore_Eloqua_MS.smims

  • mi_modelStore_Salesforce_MS.smims

To migrate data from Salesforce to Oracle Eloqua, perform these steps:
  1. Create these connections:
    1. Salesforce_TestConnection with Type Salesforce. Click Test and a success message is displayed: The connection Salesforce successfully connected to the data source.
    2. Eloqua_TestConnection with Type Oracle Eloqua. Click Test and a success message is displayed: Success: The connection Eloqua successfully connected to the data source.
  2. Import and deploy files using the Spectrum Command line utility. Use following commands in this order:
    • Import modelstore using command:
      modelstore bulkimport –-importDependency true
    • Deploy modelstore using command:
      modelstore deploy –-modelStoreName Eloqua_MS
      modelstore deploy –-modelStoreName Salesforce_MS
    • Import dbconnection using command:
      dbconnection import –-f Eloqua_MS.json
      dbconnection import –-f Salesforce_MS.json
    • Import data flows using command:#
      dataflow import –-f SalesforceAccount_Sync_OracleEloquaAccount.df
      dataflow import –-f SalesforceContact_Sync_OracleEloquaContact.df
  3. Launch the Enterprise Designer application. You can download the executable setup of this application from Desktop section of Platform Client Tool on the Spectrum Platform home page.
  4. Login using your Spectrum credentials.
  5. Click View from the menu, click Server Explorer.
  6. Double-click the SalesforceAccount_Sync_OracleEloquaAccount dataflow job first.
  7. Double-click Read from DB stage.
    1. Change the value of field CreatedDate as required and click OK.
      Select "SalesforcePM"."Account".* From "SalesforcePM"."Account" where CreatedDate  > '2017-01-01' 
    2. Click OK to continue.
  8. Run the flow by clicking Run button on the Tool Bar in Enterprise Designer.
  9. Visit the Eloqua home page and click Account. Notice the accounts have migrated to Eloqua.
  10. Navigate back to Enterprise Designer.
  11. Double-click the SalesforceContact_Sync_OracleEloquaContact job.
  12. Double-click Read from DB stage.
    1. Change the value of the field CreatedDate as required and click OK.
      Select "SalesforcePM"."Contact".* From "SalesforcePM"."Contact" where CreatedDate  > '2017-01-01'
    2. Click OK to continue.
  13. Run the flow by clicking Run button on the Tool Bar in Enterprise Designer.
  14. Visit the Eloqua home page and click Contacts. Notice the contacts have migrated to Eloqua.
The successful listing of accounts and contacts in the Oracle Eloqua complete the migration process.
Note: For more details on how to create connections, see the Discovery Guide.