CASS Certified Processing
Validate Address can operate in a CASS Certified™ mode when a specific combination of options are enabled. CASS Certified™ processing enables you to qualify for USPS® postal discounts.
When you use CASS Certified™ processing, Validate Address generates USPS CASS Form 3553. This form must be given to the USPS along with the mailing to qualify for certain discounts. The form contains information about the software you used for CASS processing, information about your name-and-address list, information about your output file, information about the mailer, and other statistics about your mailing. For detailed information about USPS Form 3553, see .
CASS Certified™ processing also generates the USPS CASS Detailed Report, which contains some of the same information as the 3553 report but provides much greater detail about DPV, LACS, and SuiteLink statistics. The USPS CASS Detailed Report is not required for postal discounts and does not need to be submitted with your mailing.
To run Validate Address in CASS Certified™ mode, follow these steps: