
The following table lists the options that control the type of information returned by Validate Address Loqate.

Table 1. Output Data Options




Specifies which database you want to use for validating international addresses. To specify a database for international address validation, select a database in the Database drop-down list.

Include a standard address

Returns 1 to 4 lines of address data plus city, state, postal code, and firm name. Each address line represents an actual line of the address as it would appear on an envelope. For more information, see Output.

If Validate Address Loqate could validate the address, the address lines contain the standardized address. When addresses are standardized, punctuation is removed, directionals are abbreviated, street suffixes are abbreviated, and address elements are corrected.

If Validate Address Loqate could not validate the address, the address lines contain the address as it appeared in the input ("pass through" data). Non-validated addresses are always included as pass through data in the address line fields even if you uncheck this option.

Include matched address elements

Each part of the address, such as house number, street name, street suffix, directionals, and so on is returned in a separate field. For more information, see Parsed Address Elements Output. Note that if you select this option and also select Return normalized data when no match is found, the address elements will contain the input address for addresses that could not be validated.

Include standardized input address elements

This option returns the input address in parsed form regardless of whether or not Validate Address Loqate is able to validate the address. Each part of the input address, such as house number, street name, street suffix, directionals, and so on is returned in a separate field.

Selecting this option differs from selecting the combination of Include matched address elements/Return normalized data when no match is found in that Return standardized input address elements returns all input address in parsed form, not just input that could not be validated. For more information, see Parsed Input.

Return geocoded address fields

Specifies whether to perform geocoding during processing. Geocoding output provides the latitude and longitude for each input address, as well as the level of accuracy of the match and the likely maximum distance between the geocode and the actual physical location of the address.

Include result codes for individual fields

Specifies whether to include field-level result indicators. Field-level result indicators describe how Validate Address Loqate handled each address element. Field-level result indicators are returned in the qualifier "Result". For example, the field-level result indicator for HouseNumber is contained in HouseNumber.Result. For a complete listing of result indicator output fields, see Result Indicators.

Return normalized data when no match is found

Specifies whether to return a formatted address when an address cannot be validated. The address is formatted using the preferred address format for the address's country. If this option is not selected, the output address fields are blank when Validate Address Loqate cannot validate the address.

Formatted addresses are returned using the format specified by the Include a standard address, Include address line elements, and Include postal information check boxes. Note that if you select Include address line elements, the parsed address elements will contain the parsed, validated address for addresses that could be validated. If the address could not be validated the parsed address elements will contain the input address in parsed form. If you always want the output to contain the input address in parsed form, regardless of whether or not Validate Address Loqate could validate the address, select Include standardized input address elements.

If you check this option, you must select Include a standard address and/or Include address line elements.

Return address data blocks

Specifies whether to return a formatted version of the address as it would be printed on a physical mailpiece. Each line of the address is returned in a separate address block field. There can be up to nine address block output fields: AddressBlock1 through AddressBlock9.

For example, this input address:

AddressLine1: 4200 Parliament Place
AddressLine2: Suite 600
City: Lanham
StateProvince: MD
PostalCode: 20706

Results in this address block output:

AddressBlock1: 4200 PARLIAMENT PL STE 600
AddressBlock2: LANHAM MD 20706-1882

Validate Address Loqate formats the address into address blocks using postal authority standards. The country name is returned using the Universal Postal Union country name. Note that the option Country format does not affect the country name in the address block, it only affects the name returned in the Country output field.

Format data using AMAS conventions

Specifies that output address data is to be formatted using Address Matching Approval System (AMAS) conventions.

This option causes Validate Address Loqate to use AMAS rules when standardizing an address. AMAS is an Australia Post program for enforcing addressing standards. For more information on the AMAS formatting conventions, refer to the Address Matching Approval System (AMAS) Handbook.

This option modifies the output data as follows.

  • Numeric fields are padded with zeros. This affects the following output fields: HouseNumber, HouseNumber2, PostalDeliveryNumber, and DPID. For example, if the input address is 298 New South Head Rd Double Bay NSW 2028, then the format of the HouseNumber field is changed from 298 to 00298.
  • If a match is not made, then all digits in the DPID field will be zero. For example, 00000000.
  • If a match is not made, then all return fields (parsed address elements) will be blank, except numeric fields which will contain all zeros.
  • The CCD field is not output.
Note: When this option is selected, results will be returned with AMAS formatting regardless of selections made in the Acceptance level and Minimum match score fields.


Specifies the casing of the output data. One of the following:

Returns the output in mixed case (default). For example:

123 Main St
Mytown FL 12345

Returns the output in upper case. For example:


Default country

Specifies the default country. You should specify the country where most of your addresses reside. For example, if most of the addresses you process are in Germany, specify Germany. Validate Address Loqate uses the country you specify to attempt validation when it cannot determine the country from the StateProvince, PostalCode, and Country address fields.

Country format

Specifies the format to use for the country name returned in the Country output field. For example, if you select English, the country name "Deutschland" would be returned as "Germany".

English Names
Use English country names (default).
ISO Codes
Use two-letter ISO abbreviation for the countries instead of country names.
UPU Codes
Use Universal Postal Union abbreviation for the countries instead of country names.


Specifies the alphabet or script in which the output should be returned. This option is bi-directional and generally takes place from Native to Latin and Latin to Native.

Input Script
Do not perform transliteration and provide output in the same script as the input (default).
Output in the native script for the selected country wherever possible.
Latin (English)
Use English values.
Acceptance level

Specifies the minimum verification level a record must reach to be considered successfully processed. The value in this field corresponds to the second character of the Address Verification Code, which is called "Post-Processed Verification Match Level":

  • 5—Delivery point (building or post box). The record will be passed or will have high confidence if ApartmentNumber, HouseNumber, Street, City, and StateProvince supplied in the input record match to the Loqate reference dataset. Will have moderate confidence if ApartmentNumber is correct but other remaining fields are incorrect, but in this case the Loqate engine should able to identify the ApartmentNumber as ApartmentNumber is at a more granular level. It will have zero confidence if ApartmentNumber and other fields are unable to parsed by the Loqate engine.
  • 4—Premise or building. The record will be passed or will have high confidence if House Number, Street, City, and StateProvince supplied in the input record match the Loqate reference dataset. Will have moderate confidence if HouseNumber is correct but the other fields are not; however, in this case the Loqate engine should able to identify the HouseNumber because HouseNumber is at a more granular level. It will have zero confidence if the HouseNumber and other fields are unable to parsed by the Loqate engine.
  • 3—Thoroughfare, road, or street. The record will be passed or will have high confidence if Street, City, and StateProvince supplied in the input record match the Loqate reference dataset. Will have moderate confidence if City is correct but StateProvince is not; however, in this case the Loqate engine should able to identify the StateProvince as City itself is the part of StateProvince. It will have zero confidence if City or both fields (City and State Province) are unable to parsed by the Loqate engine.
  • 2—Locality (city or town). The record will be passed or will have high confidence if both City and StateProvince supplied in the input record match the Loqate reference dataset. Will have moderate confidence if City is correct but StateProvince is not; however, in this case the Loqate Engine should able to identify the StateProvince as City itself is the part of StateProvince. It will have zero confidence if City or both fields (City and StateProvince) are unable to be parsed by the Loqate engine.
  • 1—Administrative area (state or region). The record will be passed or will have high confidence if the StateProvince supplied in the input record matches the Loqate reference dataset.
  • 0—None. This is equivalent to loosest match option.

Duplicate handling

Enables the duplicate handling mask and specifies how duplicate records are processed and removed. Select one or more of the following options:

Selected by default. Preprocess the input and remove duplicates that occur in a single field.
Selected by default. Pre-process the input and remove duplicates across all fields.
Pre-process the input and remove duplicates in fields that are not standard address fields.
Selected by default. Post-process the output from verification and remove duplicates from non-verified fields.

Minimum match score

Specifies a numeric value between 0 and 100 that indicates the degree to which Validate Address Loqate will change an address in order to obtain a match in the Loqate reference database. The lower the number, the greater amount of change is allowed. A value of 100 means that after parsing the input address is nearly identical to the validated address. A value of 0 means that the parsed input address may be completely changed in order to obtain a validated address.

Return multiple addresses

Specifies whether or not to return multiple address for those input addresses that have more than one possible match.

For more information, see Returning Multiple Matches.

Fail Multiple Matches

Fails multiple addresses for those input addresses that have more than one possible match.