DB Loader
The DB Loader stage allows you to access and load data from and to the configured databases. This stage provides an interface to a high-speed data loading utility. Currently, the platform supports Oracle Loader, DB2 Loader, PostgreSQL Loader, and Teradata Loader
Using the DB Loader stage
To use this stage:
- On the Spectrum Flow Designer Home page, click New.
- On the New Flow page, click Job, Service, or Subflow, as required and then click the corresponding blank canvas.
- Click OK.
- In the dialog box that appears, give a name to the Flow, Job, Service, or Subflow you are creating.
- Click OK.
- From the Palette Panel, drag the DB Loader stage to the canvas.
- Connect the required Sources (Read from
File or Read from DB) and
Sinks to the DB Loader
stage.Note: For details on how to configure the Sources and the Sinks stages, see the respective sections.
- Click DB Loader and configure the stage for each of the database as described in the following sections.