DB Loader


The DB Loader stage allows you to access and load data from and to the configured databases. This stage provides an interface to a high-speed data loading utility. Currently, the platform supports Oracle Loader, DB2 Loader, PostgreSQL Loader, and Teradata Loader

Using the DB Loader stage

To use this stage:
  1. On the Spectrum Flow Designer Home page, click New.
  2. On the New Flow page, click Job, Service, or Subflow, as required and then click the corresponding blank canvas.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, give a name to the Flow, Job, Service, or Subflow you are creating.
  5. Click OK.
  6. From the Palette Panel, drag the DB Loader stage to the canvas.
  7. Connect the required Sources (Read from File or Read from DB) and Sinks to the DB Loader stage.
    Note: For details on how to configure the Sources and the Sinks stages, see the respective sections.
  8. Click DB Loader and configure the stage for each of the database as described in the following sections.