Geocode Address Global

Geocode Address Global provides street-level geocoding for many countries. PO Box-level geocoding is available for Canada, Great Britain and France. It can also determine city or locality centroids, as well as postal code centroids. Geocode Address Global handles street addresses in the native language and format. For example, a typical French formatted address might have a street name of Rue des Remparts. A typical German formatted address could have a street name Bahnhofstrasse.

Note: Geocode Address Global does not support U.S. addresses. To geocode U.S. addresses, use Geocode US Address.

The countries available to you depends on which country databases you have installed. For example, if you have databases for Canada, Italy, and Australia installed, Geocode Address Global would be able to geocode addresses in these countries in a single stage. Before you can work with Geocode Address Global, you must define a global database resource containing a database for one or more countries. Once you create the database resource, Geocode Address Global will become available.

Geocode Address Global is an optional component of Enterprise Geocoding.