Running an External Program

An Execute Program stage invokes an executable entity, such as a program or command line command, when it receives a record. To use an Execute Program stage in your flow:


Option Description


The executable name and arguments (if applicable). The arguments can be data available in the flow. To access that data, click the [...] (Browse) button. You can select from the following three contexts: Current Job ID, Current Job Name, or Current User Name. You can also select from the available fields. For example, JobStatus and JobComment.


Specifies whether to cancel the job if the command does not respond within a given amount of time:

No timeout
Do not cancel the execution if the command fails to respond.
Timeout in milliseconds
Cancels the execution attempt if the command does not respond in the specified number of milliseconds.

Environment Variables

Optional. Specifies environment variables to use when executing the command. To add an environment variable click Add.

Enter the appropriate key word in the Key field, such as "JAVA_HOME".

Enter the appropriate value in the Value field, such as C:\Java\jre7. Alternatively, you can select a field from the Field List dialog box by clicking the [...] (Browse) button. You can select from one of these contexts: Current Job ID, Current Job Name, or Current User Name. You can also select from the available fields, such as JobStatus and JobComment.