Delete from Model ports

The Delete from Model stage ports support one input channel and two optional output channels.


The Delete from Model stage requires that your dataflow include an input stage that contains data from or queries the model whose elements you are deleting. The input stage could be a Read from Model stage, a Query Model stage, a source stage of some kind, or a control stage that combines or processes channels from input stages.


The Delete from Model stage has two optional outgoing ports to which you can attach various sink stages. One sink captures data for the successfully deleted entities and relationships. The other sink collects any records that the dataflow did not process correctly. This is called the Error Port. Records that pass through this port into the sink are considered malformed.

Capturing malformed records can help you identify problems with those records. When you attach a sink to the Error Port, the resulting output file will contain all the fields from the malformed records. It will also contain a Reason field that specifies why the record failed.