Configure a new entity type

This procedure describes how to configure a new entity type in the Write to Model stage.

  1. In the Entity Types box, drag the New Entity Type icon to the canvas.
    Completing this step expands the Entity Configuration panel.
  2. In the Entity type box, type the name for an entity type.
    For example, models sometimes use "Person" as an entity type to characterize people in an organization.
  3. Under Configurations, click to choose an input field that identifies the entity type.
  4. Under Properties, in the Update mode drop-down list box, choose how to update existing property values.
    For more information, see Update mode.
    Note: This setting is unavailable when Write mode is set to Initial load. For more information, see Write mode.
  5. Under Properties, click in the Add property drop-down list box to select input fields to define properties for each entity configuration.
    By default the property name will be set to the field name. To change the name for any property, enter the new name in Property name box.
  6. To add additional configurations to the model, repeat steps 3 and 5.
    You can use more than one configuration to connect an entity type to itself (for example, Person reportsTo Person) or create or update an entity type based on two different fields, either from the same record or records from different sources.
    Input source may include an "Name" field to identify a person type and a "Manager" field to identify a person type.
  7. Click OK.