Write to Model options

The Write to Model options allow you to create a new model or select an existing model to update. Other options on this page allow you to clear an existing model, remove orphaned entities, and index fields.

Specifies the Context Graph model to which to load data. To create a new model enter the name for the model. To update an existing model, click to select the model name from the drop-down list.
Write mode
Specifies whether this is an initial load, exclusive lock, or concurrent lock.
  • Initial load—Choose this mode if you are loading data into model for the first time. The model will be locked so that other Context Graph stages will be unable to read from or write to the model. The Properties Update mode will be greyed out and unavailable in the entity and relationship configurations. Selecting this option checks and greys out the Clear model check box, so that any existing data will always be cleared prior to writing.

    This mode provides better performance when initially loading a model. If you have multiple input files in your dataflow, you can input fields from all of them to create properties, bu you cannot use them to update existing properties with new values.

  • Exclusive lock—Choose this mode to prevent other Context Graph stages from concurrently writing to a model. This mode allows a model to be cleared and for existing model properties to be updated.
  • Concurrent writes—Choose this option to allow the model to be concurrently read from and written to by other Context Graph stages.
Clear model
Check this check box to remove all existing entities and relationships before processing new data. Uncheck this option to update existing entities and relationships with any new information.
Note: Selecting this check box does not alter security settings for the Context Graph. The model will be recreated, but the security settings will remain the same.
Remove orphaned entities
Check this check box to remove entities from the model that have no relationships upon completing the Write to Model operation.
Entity types
This panel provides a palette of entity types. For a new model, the panel only shows the New Entity Type. For an existing model, the panel also shows entity types from the model metadata. Drag a New Entity Type onto the canvas to define a new entity type or drag an existing entity type onto the canvas to map its properties to input fields.
The Indexes button is available after you define at least one entity with at least one property. Click this button to expand the Indexes panel to index fields. For more information about options on the Indexes panel, see Indexes.
Show schema
This Yes/No toggle switch displays the schema for an existing model. The schema provides a guide to add entities and relationships to the Write to Model stage. The toggle switch appears only after you select an existing model in the Model box. By default, it is set to No. If you click to toggle this switch to Yes, the schema for the selected model appears as dimmed entities and relationships on the canvas. You can then click dimmed entities to configure and add them to the stage. Entities appear undimmed after they are configured. Relationships between entities can be configured in the same manner after you configure both the source and the target entity for any relationship.