Field Selector

Use the Field Selector stage to choose the fields that are to be passed to the next stage in the dataflow and remove the unwanted ones. For example, if you have created a new field by combining the data from two fields, and you no longer need the two source fields, you can use the Field Selector to retain only the new field and remove the two source fields from the dataflow.

To use the Field Selector stage in a new flow, perform these steps:

  1. On the Flow Designer Home page, click New.
  2. On the New Flow page, click Job, Service, or Subflow, as required and then click the correcsponding blank canvas.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, give a name to the Flow, Job, Service, or Subflow you are creating, and click OK.
  5. From the Palette Panel, drag the Field Selector stage to the canvas.
  6. Connect the Source and Sink to the Field Selector stage.
  7. Click Field Selector. The Field Selector Options page is displayed. It shows all the fields coming from the previous stage and their corresponding data types.
  8. In the Field Name column, select the fields that you want to send to the next stage of the dataflow.
    Note: To select all the fields, mark the Field Name checkbox. Conversely, clear this checkbox to deselect all the fields in the dataflow.
  9. Use the Search text box on the top right of the page to find required fields from the list.