Toolbar and controls (Edit Job page)

Home button and flow name

These items display at the top left corner of the page and support these tasks:
Return to the Explorer page button
The current flow name appears next to the Return to Explorer button

Application toolbar

The Application toolbar is at the top right corner of the page and supports these tasks:
Enter full screen mode
Access help resources: View documentation, View the keyboard shortcuts reference, or contact Precisely support.
Sign out of Flow Designer (click user name > Signout)

Canvas task buttons

The canvas task buttons allow you to interact with the workflow space.
Open the New Flow page to select a flow, job, or service to add to the flow currently displayed on the canvas.
Open the Explorer page, and display the flow list to select and open one of the available flows.
Save the flow displayed on the canvas.
Select a Save method:
  • Save - Perform a standard save.
  • Save and expose - Save the flow, creating a versioned copy.
    Note: All saved flows are visible (exposed) to other Flow Designer users.
Import a flow
Export a flow
Undo the last action (maximum 100)
Repeat the last action
Cut the selected item from the canvas
Copy the selected item to the clipboard
Paste the item on the clipboard to the canvas
Permanently delete the selected item
Select the workflow canvas display size as a percentage of the actual size
Fit the canvas display to the page (screen)
Run the flow that is currently displayed
Toggle the grid line display
Toggle overview display: Click to open a small overview display that shows you the current focus of a workflow display. This is useful for larger, complicated workflows.
Refresh the current display
Close the flow: This prompts to save changes.

Panel display and view settings

These controls change the display of the palette panel.
Show the Validation Errors panel or Hide the Validation Errors panel. This panel evaluates the accuracy of the flow on the canvas and reports the errors in a concise view. The errors will contain the stage and a description of the error.
Show the Inspection panel or Hide the Inspection panel. This panel provides a brief but expandable view of the selected items.
Show the Execution History panel or hide the Execution History panel. This panel provides a quick way for you to run flows and obtain processing results.


Immediately below the palette view settings is the filter entry box. You can narrow the stages displayed by entering a string, such as "read," and see only the stages containing that description.

Palette display and view settings

The palette has a robust set of display settings that you can change as needed.
Toggle to hide or show the palette panel (CTRL+C)
List mode display - lists all of the stages available in a compact view with small icons. With this view, you can quickly scan available stages.
Icon mode – lists all of the stages with larger icons. Since this display emphasizes icons, more scrolling is required to see all the stages in a grouping.
Expand all – shows all of the stages in all groupings as indicated by the selected (List or Icon) display mode.
Collapse all – Shows a list of available Sources, Sinks, and Control stages, deployable modules, and user-defined stages in a list format. Click on any label to expand the display and see the stages under each label as indicated by the selected (List or Icon) display mode.