Create a new job, service, or subflow on a blank canvas

  1. From the Explorer page, click the New icon . Flow Designer displays the New Flow page with template selections.
  2. Use the Job, Service, or Subflow links at the top left side of the page to display selections.
    Depending upon the number of templates available, you may have to use the scroll bar on the right side of the display to see all templates.
  3. Optionally, you can use the filter feature to find templates, by name, for the type of flow you selected.
    Type a letter or a string, such as "b" or "blank."
  4. Double-click the blank template (this is the first template displayed at the top of the selection space) to open the flow on the canvas, or click the blank template and click OK.
    Flow Designer prompts you to specify a file name. The application provides a unique name suggestion. For example, if "New Job 1" is already used, Flow Designer suggests "New Job 2." If you try to use an existing flow name, you will see an error prompting you for a different name.
  5. Once you decide on a name, click OK.
    The flow editor saves the new flow on the server and displays a blank workflow canvas, with your job name displayed at the top left of the workspace.
You can open the Explorer page to see if your flow is displayed. You may have to refresh the view to see the new flow. The initial display may show that the flow is locked by the current user (you), and displays the user's name under the Locked by column.