Basic Options tab

User all factor level
Specifies whether to retain the first principal component, which has the largest variance in the data.
  • Check this option to to retain the first principal component.
  • Uncheck this option to skip the first principal component. This is the default.

Specify the transformation method for numeric columns in the training data.

  • Demean—Subtracts the mean of each column.
  • Descale—Divides by the standard deviation of each column.
  • None—No transform.
  • Normalize—Demeans and divides each column by its range (maximum minus minimum).
  • Standardize—Uses zero mean and unit variance. This is the default transform.
Missing data

Specifies whether to impute missing entries with the column mean.

  • Skip—Choose this option to skip missing data. This is the default setting.
  • Impute mean—Choose this option to add the mean value for any missing data.