Flow templates
Flow templates illustrate ways to use Spectrum Technology Platform and its modules to meet your business needs. They show how particular modules solve various requirements, such as parsing, standardizing, and validating names and addresses.
Flow templates are delivered with each module that you license. For example, if you are licensed for Spectrum Data Normalization, you receive the Standardizing Personal Names flow template. If you are licensed for the Spectrum Universal Addressing, you receive the Validating U.S. and Canadian Addresses flow templates.
Depending on the purpose of each template, the job may come with sample data. Or, it may be a service with no sample data. You can use flows in their original state and run those that are delivered as jobs to see how they function. Alternatively, you can change the flows' input and output files or add services into your jobs, adding other input and output files.
Flow Designer provides a selection of templates, available when you open the New Flow page.