Installing Data Normalization Databases

Data Normalization provides a load utility to install databases for the Advanced Transformer, Open Parser, and Table Lookup components. The database files that you install depend on the databases you have licensed. Use this list of database tables to determine which files you should download and install. For more information about tables contained in each database, refer to the reference documentation for each component.

Stage Available Databases
Advanced Transformer Data Normalization - Base Tables
Open Parser
  • Data Normalization - Base Tables
  • Core Names Database
  • Company Names Database
  • Arabic Plus Pack
  • Asian Plus Pack
Table Lookup
  • Data Normalization - Base Tables
  • Core Names Database
  • Arabic Plus Pack
  • Asian Plus Pack
  • ZREPLACE (Used by the SAP for French address validation)
  1. If you have Oracle environment variables set in your profile, these environment variables may interfere with DVD database loading processes. If you experience database loading problems and are using Oracle, check that the Oracle environment variables are not active when you perform the DVD database loads.
  2. Make sure that Spectrum Technology Platform is stopped. To stop Spectrum Technology Platform, change the working directory to the bin directory of where Spectrum Technology Platform is installed, then type the following command:
  3. Download your Spectrum Product Database (SPD) format files from Precisely using the link provided in the Precisely communication.
    Note: The data downloads as a zip file. Unzip the database before proceeding with the installation.
  4. If you are installing from DVD and your system does not auto-mount, issue the appropriate mount command to indicate that the DVD device is a file system.

    If necessary, issue the /etc/filesystem command to update your system so that it recognizes this file system. Specify the correct device name for the DVD device on your system.

    Note: Your system must allow DVDs created under the ISO 9660 format to be mounted as a file system.
  5. Change the working directory to the bin directory of where Spectrum Technology Platform is installed.
  6. Source the "setup" bourne shell script to setup the environment by typing the following command:
    . ./setup
  7. Run the script to install the database:
  8. Follow the prompts as the script verifies your environment and database location.
    Note: You may install databases on a network share, but performance will be affected since you will be accessing them on a network rather than accessing them locally.
  9. Open the file SpectrumDirectory/server/bin/wrapper/wrapper.conf in a text editor.
  10. Increase the Java settings for initial heap size ( and maximum heap size ( to reflect the total amount of memory required for the Arabic Plus Pack and Asian Plus Pack.
    • Arabic Plus Pack: 5.5 GB
    • Asian Plus Pack - Chinese: 32 MB
    • Asian Plus Pack - Japanese: 1.6 GB
    • Asian Plus Pack - Korean: 8 MB
    • Core Names: 1.1 GB
  11. Save and close wrapper.conf.
  12. Start the Spectrum Technology Platform by changing the working directory to the bin directory of where Spectrum Technology Platform is installed, then type the following command: