Installing Routing Databases

Spatial routing database resources are used by Find Nearest, Get Travel Boundary, Get Travel Cost Matrix, Get Travel Directions, Get Route Data, and Persistent Update.

To install routing Spectrum Product Data (SPD) data from Precisely, you must:

  1. Download your Spectrum Product Database (SPD) format files from Precisely using the link provided in the Precisely communication or from
  2. Use Command Line Interface (CLI) commands to install the routing Spectrum Product Data to a Spectrum database. This copies the data to the Spectrum database and makes the Spectrum Technology Platform aware of the data in the database. For details, see Adding Routing Data to Spectrum.
  3. In Management Console, create a new database resource for the routing Spectrum Product Data, or change an existing database resource to include the routing Spectrum Product Data. A database resource is how you add the data to projects. For details, see Creating a Routing Database Resource.

If you are installing Spectrum Product Data for the first time, because you are a new customer to the Spectrum Technology Platform or setting up a new Spectrum server, then we recommend you set the data extract and archive locations before installing Spectrum Product Data. For details, see SPD Setup on a New Spectrum Server. We recommend using the productdata extract register and productdata archive register commands to ensure that the Spectrum Product Data, which may be large, resides in an appropriate and manageable location of your choosing on the server. The default location inside the Spectrum folders can make upgrades and re-installations more difficult and require even greater temporary space.