File locations

This topic shows where files are located in the folder hierarchy of the Spectrum Technology Platform server application directory.

The default location for the Spectrum Technology Platform SpectrumDirectory/repository/data/databases is /Program Files/Precisely/Spectrum, but you can specify a different location when you install the server.

..|index                   ** index location
   |-- logs                ** log files for technical support
..|repository              ** repository location
   |-- logs                ** log files for technical support
..|server                  ** primary server folder
   |-- archive             ** archive files: resource bundles, reports 
       |-- audit           ** archive files: audit log data
       |-- bundles         ** storage: resource bundles
       |–- dataflows       ** archive: imported dataflows
       |–- reports         ** default location for reports on disk/by name
   |-- bin                 ** startup scripts, wrapper
   |-- conf                ** configuration files
   |–- deploy              ** car and war files; consoles 
   |-- doc                 ** read me file(s)
   |–- drivers             ** jdbc drivers
   |–- exports             ** exported: Enterprise Designer, others
   |–- import              ** imported: license keys, flows, reports, SPDs
       |–- error           ** import item error storage 
          |–- dataflows    ** dataflow import errors
          |–- license-keys ** backup of imported license keys
   |–- lib                 ** platform jar files
   |–- logs                ** log files
   |–- modules             ** product modules 
   |–- ref-data            ** reference data file archive    
   |–- tmp                 ** temporary folder
   |–- types               ** types jar files