Removing the Server

Before uninstalling any product, back up any files you may need in the future. Uninstalling Spectrum Technology Platform will remove all jobs and settings.

  1. Stop the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
    To do this, run the SpectrumDirectory/server/bin/server.stop script to stop the server.
  2. Source the setup file.

    For example, . ./setup.

  3. Uninstall the Spectrum Technology Platform modules by running the following uninstall script for each installed module.


    Where IUCode is the installation unit code for the module you want to uninstall, and version-identifier is a component version identifier. Within each module directory, the script that must be run is ./Uninstall_IUCode.

    Table 1. Spectrum Component IU Codes
    Component Name IU Code
    Analytics Scoring AAM

    Advanced Matching
    Data Normalization
    Universal Name

    Big Data Integration BDI
    Context Graph GRF
    Data Stewardship BSM
    Data Federation SDF
    Data Integration EDI
    Enterprise Geocoding (Global) GLOBAL
    Enterprise Geocoding (U.S.) KGL
    Enterprise Geocoding (World) IXW
    Enterprise System Connector ESC
    Enterprise Tax GSL
    GeoConfidence GCO
    GeoEnrichment GEM
    Global Addressing Management GAV
    Global Geocoding and Type-Ahead GGM
    Global Sentry OIS
    Information Extraction IEM
    Machine Learning MLM
    SAP CRM 6.0 Connector E6C
    SAP CRM 7.0 Connector 70S
    SAP S4HANA Connector S4H
    Screener SLM
    Spatial and Routing LIM
    Spectrum Technology Platform LES1
    SugarCRM Connector SUG
    Universal Addressing UNC
  4. Uninstall Spectrum Technology Platform by running the following uninstall script:
    The script that must be run is ./Uninstall_LES.
    Note: Perform this step only after completing step 3 for all installed modules.
Typically, the uninstaller program and the uninstall log remain after you complete this procedure. The repository folder may also remain if background processes were running during the installation. You can manually remove the SpectrumDirectory and any remaining files and folders that you do not want to keep.
1 The LES code refers to the Spectrum platform itself, without any modules.