Path structure and log name changes
In release 2019.1 we have flattened the folder structure at the platform level. We have also changed the path to and names of some log files. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 2019.1, ensure that you make the necessary changes to configure the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
Path structure
In 2019.1 we removed the server/app and server/app/repository folders. The folder hierarchy in both 2019.1 and 2020.1 is shown here:
..|index ** index location
|-- logs ** log files for technical support
..|repository ** repository location
|-- logs ** log files for technical support
..|server ** primary server folder
|-- archive ** archive files: resource bundles, reports
|-- audit ** archive files: audit log data
|-- bundles ** storage: resource bundles
|–- dataflows ** archive: imported dataflows
|–- reports ** default location for reports on disk/by name
|-- bin ** startup scripts, wrapper
|-- conf ** configuration files
|–- deploy ** car and war files; consoles
|-- doc ** read me file(s)
|–- drivers ** jdbc drivers
|–- exports ** exported: Enterprise Designer, others
|–- import ** imported: license keys, flows, reports, SPDs
|–- error ** import item error storage
|–- dataflows ** dataflow import errors
|–- license-keys ** backup of imported license keys
|–- lib ** platform jar files
|–- logs ** log files
|–- modules ** product modules
|–- ref-data ** reference data file archive
|–- tmp ** temporary folder
|–- types ** types jar files
Log file location
Spectrum Technology Platform directs all log files to SpectrumDirectory/server/logs.
wrapper.log file name change
The wrapper.log file name was changed to spectrum-server.log in 2019.1.