Upgrading Screener

This section guides you through the process of upgrading Screener from version 18.2 (patch 2018.2 O08 installed) to version 19.1.
Note: It assumes you have the Spectrum Technology Platform installed and these modules selected while installing. For steps on installation see Installing a New Server section of the Installation Guide.
  • Data Stewardship
  • Data Integration
  • Context Graph
  • Screener
  • Universal Addressing
  • Universal Name, Data Normalization, and Advanced Matching

Steps for Upgrade

  1. Stop the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
    1. For Windows system: Right-click the Spectrum Technology Platform icon in the Windows system tray and select Stop Spectrum. Alternatively, you can use the Windows Services Control Panel and stop the Precisely Spectrum Technology Platform service.
    2. For Unix systems: Run the <SpectrumLocation>/server/bin/server.stop script.
  2. Back up this folder to a different location: <SpectrumDirectory>\server\modules\hub\db\model.FCC_METADATA.
  3. Run the current version of the installer.
  4. Configure these properties in the fcc.properties file here: <SpectrumLocation>\server\modules\fcc\fcc.properties
    1. The base path where the List Import/Export files are created: fcc.spectrum.list.job.base.path
    2. FCC Repo base path: fcc.spectrum.base.path
    3. The polling directory for list ingestion: fcc.spectrum.list.job.poll.dir
    4. Upload path for Attachments: fcc.spectrum.attachments.upload.path
  5. To import the model successfully, set dbms.allow_upgrade=true in the neo4j.properties file at this location: <SpectrumLocation>\server\modules\hub\db. Comment out this property after completing the import.
  6. Set up these configurable properties in the screener_setup_win.txt file for Windows and screener_setup.txt file for Unix systems at: <SpectrumLocation>/server/modules/fcc/FCC_Repo/setup/cli.
    1. host: Machine where the Spectrum Technology Platform Server needs to be setup is running.
    2. port: Port on which Spectrum Technology Platform is running
    3. user: Spectrum Technology Platform User, should be an administrative user
    4. password: Spectrum Technology Platform Password
  7. Run the upgrade script (ScreenerSetupUpgarde.bat for Windows systems and ScreenerSetupUpgarde.sh for Unix systems).
    • For Windows systems:
      1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator
      2. Change directory to location of the script (<SpectrumLocation>\server\modules\fcc)
      3. Run the script
    • For Unix systems:
      1. Go to the folder where the script is placed: <SpectrumLocation>\server\modules\fcc
      2. Run the script.
    Note: To run the Unix script, you need to have appropriate permissions.
  8. Resolve errors, if any, till the upgrade is complete.