
When you click Details > Relationships on the menu bar, you will see a list of relationship labels for your model, along with counts for each of the labels. For example, the image below indicates that the model contains 56 relationships with the Attended label.

If you click the row for any of the relationship labels, you will see the number of connections using that label. You will also see the number of properties associated with that relationship label. The image below indicates that the Attended relationship label has 56 connections and a total of 150 properties associated with it.

If you click the Connections row, you will see a list of connections made up of source entity types, relationships, and target entity types, along with the number of times those types of connections occur in the model. For example, the image below shows that there are 19 occurrences where a Person Attended an Event.

If you click the Properties row, you will see a complete list of properties associated with that relationship label. Also shown is the data type for each property as well as the number of times that property occurs in the model. The Type can be any supported data type. The image below indicates that there are 38 Date properties for the Attended relationship label, and that property is of a string type.