Context Graph stages in dataflows

You add Context Graph stages to dataflows created in either Enterprise Designer or Flow Designer. These stages may also be incorporated in service dataflows, which can be accessed as web services or using the Spectrum Technology Platform API.

Context Graph stages perform operations on Context Graph models. The following Context Graph stages may be added to dataflows in either Enterprise Designer or Flow Designer.

Stage Description

Delete from Model

The Delete from Model stage deletes entities and relationships from a Context Graph model.

Import to Model

The Import to Model stage populates data in a new or existing Context Graph model from two incoming channels.

Merge Entities

The Merge Entities stage merges two or more entities into a single entity.

Read from Model

The Read From Model stage executes a query to read data from an existing model.

Query Model

The Query Model stage is an intermediate stage that uses incoming data rows to execute queries that extract specific entities and relationships from a model.

Split Entity

The Split Entity stage splits one entity into two or more new entities.

Write to Model

The Write to Model stage uses input data to create or update a Context Graph model that contains entities, relationships, and properties.

For details about configuring Context Graph stages in Enterprise Designer, see the Spectrum Dataflow Designer Guide. For details about configuring Context Graph stages in Flow Designer, see the Spectrum Flow Designer Guide. You can also click the Help button while you configure a stage in either application.