Using the Model Metadata Report

The Model Metadata Report provides counts for model, entity, and relationship metadata associated with a model. By using Advanced Settings, you can determine how much or how little of that data you want the report to return; the default settings return all data.
Note: You must select at least one of the options in Advanced Settings; otherwise, the report will simply say, No data to display.
Assuming you have selected at least one option in Advanced Settings, information in a Model Metadata Report always includes the following:
  • The model's name
  • The total number of entities in the model
  • The total number of relationships in the model

Optional information in a Model Metadata Report includes the following:

Model Metadata

  • Screen capture—A screen capture that depicts the model's entity types (for example, "Provider" or "Patient_Name") and relationship types (for example, "Treated" or "Filed_A_Claim_With")
  • Entity types—Entity types and the counts for each type
  • Properties (under Entity types)—Entity properties, the format of the property (for example, "string" or "Boolean"), and the counts for each property
  • Relationships—Relationship types and the counts for each type
  • Properties (under Relationships)—Relationship properties, the format of the property (for example, "string" or "Boolean"), and the counts for each property

Entity Metadata

The following information, broken down by each entity type:

  • Include entity type metadata—The total number of entities for a given type (for example, a "Person" entity might have 5 Doctor entities and 3 Patient entities, giving you a count of 8 for the "Person" type)
  • Incoming relationships per type—The number of incoming relationships for a given entity type
  • Outgoing relationships per type—The number of outgoing relationships for a given entity type
  • Source, relationship, and target connections for any given entity type's incoming and outgoing relationships, as well as counts for each (for example, your model may have 4 instances of "Joe Smith" [source] "Visited" [relationship] "Robert Johnson, M.D." [target])
  • Properties per type—The total number of properties for a given entity type
  • Property names and property types for a given entity type, as well as counts for each

Relationship Metadata

The following information, broken down by each relationship type:

  • Include relationship metadata—The total number of relationships for a given type (for example, for a relationship of "Visited": 3 Person entities could have "Visited" Robert Johnson, M.D., and 4 other Person entities could have "Visited" Patricia Benson, M.D., giving you a count of 7 for the relationship type "Visited")
  • Connections per relationship—Source, relationship, and target connections for a given type, as well as counts for each (using the previous example, 3 Persons [source] could have "Visited" [relationship] Robert Johnson, M.D. [target])
  • Properties per relationship—The total number of properties for a given relationship type
  • Property names and property types for a given relationship type, as well as counts for each

To generate a Model Metadata Report, have a model open and click Model Metadata from the Reporting ribbon on the Data tab. The report will appear on top of the model; use the arrows to scroll through the pages. If you want to customize your report and have it include some but not all of the optional information listed above, click Show advanced settings and select the options you want to include. The report will update dynamically as you select and deselect options.

You can choose to have the report dockable or floating by right-clicking the report's tab and selecting the appropriate option. You can also print the report or save it in PDF format.

To close the report, right-click the report's tab and select Hide.
Note: If you select this option the report will be deleted; you will need to regenerate it to view the report again.