Model Audit Events Tab

The Model Audit Events tab enables you to view the activity that has taken place for a model. This feature returns create, read, update, and delete events for the model and its metadata. Depending on which button you select, you can return information for the model itself or for the properties of entities and relationships within the model. The table below details the information returned for each option.
Model events Displays create, read, update, and delete activity for the model itself, including the following:
  • Timestamp—When the activity took place
  • User—User name of the person who generated the activity
  • Object Type—The type of object that had the activity; in this case, model
  • Operation—The activity that occurred: create, read, update, or delete
  • Object ID—The name of the model
Metadata events Displays create and delete activity for entity types and relationship labels, as well as add and delete activity for properties of entity types and relationship labels, including the following:
  • Timestamp—When the activity took place
  • User—User name of the person who generated the activity
  • Object Type—The type of object that had the activity; in this case, metadata
  • Operation—The activity that occurred: create, read, update, or delete
  • Object ID—A combination of the model name, the parent element type, and the property name (for example, "Fraud[Entity].Date")
  • Parent Type—The element type that contained the property: entity or relationship
  • Parent—A combination of the model name, the parent element type, and either the _stp_type (entities) or _stp_id (relationships) of the parent element (for example, "Fraud[Entity].Person" or "Fraud[Relationship].Treated")
  • Metadata Type—The type of metadata that had the activity: entity, relationship, or property
  • Property Type—The type of property that had the activity, when applicable: string, double, date, etc.
When you leave the Model Audit Events tab, the Relationship Analysis Client will retain the last settings your made, including the level of data, the column size, the column positions, filtering, grouping, and sorting.