Compression Support for Cloud File Servers

The file servers Amazon S3, Google cloud storage, and MS Azure Blobstore support the compressed formats gzip (.gz) and zip (.zip).

The Spectrum Technology Platform handles the compression and decompression of the files written to and read from the file servers.
Note: You can use the same file server to handle both normal reads and writes of files as well as compression and decompression of files.

Reading a Compressed Format File

While reading a file from the server, its compression format is derived from the metadata key property Content-Encoding received from the server.

Writing a Compressed Format File

While writing a file to a server, mention the required compression format: .gz or .zip. The file is compressed based on the specified compression extension.

The metadata key property Content-Encoding is also set according to the selected compression format. This property value is passed to the cloud file server while writing the file to it.