Postal and geographic candidates return additional fields

Enhanced postal and geographic geocoding to include more region, city, and postcode hierarchical information.

Postal candidates (2 additional fields):

  • MULTIPLE_AREAS_FOR_POSTCODE, true if more than one town is contained within the postcode
  • PRIMARY_AREA_FOR_POSTCODE, true if the current town is the primary town for the postcode. The area name fields (city/town, state/region, etc.) will be populated when available.

Geographic candidates (1 additional field):

  • POSTCODE_COUNT_IN_AREA, containing the number of postcodes found in the specified town. (This would only apply to G3-level candidates, except in Brazil where it only applies to G4-level candidates.) The postcode field will be populated when available.
Note: To include these fields in output, use the field names as shown below in the Enterprise Designer Write to File stage:
  • MultipleAreasForPostCode

  • PostCodeCountInArea
  • PrimaryAreaForPostCode