Coordinate Reference Systems

This release adds the following coordinate reference systems.

  • UTM Zones for NAD27 Mexico datum category and members
  • New Lambert Projection entry for Statistics Canada. Added to North American Coordinate Systems: "Statistics Canada Lambert (NAD83)\p3347", 3, 74, 7, -91.8666666667, 63.390675, 49, 77, 6200000, 3000000
  • MIPRO-114379: Need specific EPSG codes for Canadian NAD27 UTM projections. There are five renamed entries in the Universal Transverse Mercator (NAD 27 for Canada) category to use updated name and EPSG codes.

The PRJ file had an UTF-8 BOM in it, which is now converted to ASCII - nojira.

For details about these or any other EPSG coordinate systems, see