erm getpointdata
Note: For instructions on installing and running the Administration Utility, see
Getting Started with the Administration Utility.
The erm
getpointdata command returns segments information for a point. The closest
segments are returned to the specified point. Types of information returned are; segment ID,
road type, length, speed, direction, time, road name. You must have Spectrum Spatial installed to use this command.Usage
erm getpointdata --datasource db_resource --point "x,y,coordsys"Note: To see a list of parameters, type help erm getpointdata.
Required | Argument | Description |
Yes | --datasource db_resource |
Specifies the name of the database resource to return data. For a list of existing routing database resources, use the ermdb list command. |
Yes | --point "x,y,coordsys" |
Indicates the point to return the closest segment information. The point is specified in the format "x,y,coordsys", where coordsys is the coordinate system of the point. |
This example returns the closest segment data to the specified point from the US_NE database resources configured on the server.
erm getpointdata --datasource US_NE --point "-72,40,epsg:4326"